Since 2018, Teachers for Tomorrow offers one promising student a ten-month scholarship to study at the Ecole d’Hôtellerie et Tourisme Paul Dubrule hotel management school in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Open to Teachers for Tomorrow students who:
- Are female and are at least 17 years old by October 01, 2018
- Have a good command of English
- Have had an excellent attendance record with Teachers for Tomorrow
- Can commit to full-time study from Oct 2018 through Aug 2019 (ten months)
- Can commit to joining the hospitality industry upon graduation
- Can receive their parent’s permission (as needed)
- Can commit to returning to Teachers for Tomorrow to mentor other students
Students who graduate can expect to find a well-paying job in a local hotel or restaurant that pays more than $200 per month, but this depends on the student, the job, and the company
Scholarship Details
The scholarship will provide tuition, uniform, accident and health insurance, lunch, study kit, all training materials, and site visits. If the student does not live in Siem Reap, the scholarship will also pay for a room and a daily meal allowance for the ten-month period.
After passing the school’s entrance examination, the scholarship candidate will need to receive her parent’s permission. Upon starting, the student must study very hard and get good grades. If attendance or grades drop, the school and Teachers for Tomorrow might cancel the program scholarship
- Beginning of July: Students return this application form signed by the students’ parents and the student. Please return to our foundation coordinator.
- Mid-July: Students will taek the entrance exam at the Ecole d’Hôtellerie school that is near the airport.
- End of July: Scholarship winner is announced.
- October -September: Program begins (Date to be confirmed later)
Please visit our website for more information the news will be announced once we are open for application.