Teachers for Tomorrow
According to UNESCO, only around half of Cambodia have a chance to enter high school, with even less has the chance to finish their secondary education. Barriers to a higher completion rate include the financial constraints within households, added expense of books, uniforms, transportation, and related educational fees, the poor quality of teaching, as well as dependency on traditional agriculture that require intensive labor.
In addition, the availability of well-qualified teachers in public high schools and universities in rural areas is quite low. Most importantly, “Cambodia is a source, transit, and destination country for men, women, and children who are subjected to forced labor and sex trafficking,” (Annual Trafficking in Persons Report, 2012).
Unless these problems are addressed, Cambodia’s economic growth in key industries will remain below that of the rest of Asia and the world, job opportunities will remain scarce and young people will continue to lack the necessary skills to break the cycles of poverty.
Teachers for Tomorrow was established in June 2012 and was subsequently registered in the State of Washington as a non-profit charitable organization (NGO) that seeks to attract donations and other means of support from donors all over the world.
Our mission is is to alleviate poverty and strengthen the educational capacity of rural Cambodia through educational programs for high school students, as well as livelihood support programs to help them overcome barriers of education and peruse better quality of living.
Non-Profit Status
Teachers for Tomorrow is established in 2012 and later incorporated in the state of Washington (USA) as a non-profit organization and received its 501(c)(3) status from the IRS on Feb 6, 2015.
- All of your donations will be eligible for tax-deductions.
- A copy of the letter from the IRS can be found here.
- You can request for a copy of the Teachers for Tomorrow 2012 State of Washington business license as a domestic nonprofit corporation, as well as other documents by contacting us at james@teachersfortomorrow.org
The Executive Director and its board members volunteer their time on a non-compensated basis
Our Mission
Teachers for Tomorrow is a nonprofit organization created to nurture and empower at-risk adolescents in rural Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, and Myanmar. As a public 501c3 charity with a legal base in Washington State and operations in Southeast Asia, we assist vulnerable teens and their families in the region with life skills training, educational scholarships, micro-enterprise opportunities, mental health support, career mentoring, and family support programs, with a special focus on meeting the unique needs of young women.
We partner with other local initiatives such as charities, businesses, and social enterprises at the ground level to advance our multi-pronged approach to help these young people conquer their daily challenges while envisioning and realizing their dreams.
Our ultimate mission is to set our world’s future teachers, visionaries, and changemakers on the path toward productive, positive, and promising futures while preparing them to help make our world a better place.

Our Vision
Our vision is to empower thousands of disadvantaged adolescent women and men in Southeast Asia to overcome their challenges, build successful lives, and pay-forward their own lessons, support, and mentorships to other disadvantaged youths.
In doing so, we will perpetuate the cycle of creating true teachers for tomorrow.
The Founder and Executive Director
The founder of Teachers for Tomorrow, James Reinnoldt, first visited Cambodia in 1988 when he was the Bangkok-based Regional Managing Director for Northwest Airlines (now Delta Airlines). Through many subsequent trips over the years, he witnessed the growth and emerging wealth of many of Southeast Asian countries but was distressed by how Cambodia seemed to have missed many of the same opportunities due to many of its social and political misfortunes.
In recent years, as a lecturer in Global Business at the University of Washington, James has developed and led a number of accredited study tours to Southeast Asia on topics of globalization and corporate social responsibility.
Through these many visits, he became endeared to the Khmer people yet saddened by their continuing problems. As a teacher himself, James decided to try to help the people of Cambodia through the establishment of Teachers for Tomorrow.
James is also a founder of the Thailand Business Coalition on AIDS, a non-profit dedicated to helping businesses more effectively deal with the challenges of HIV/AIDs in the workplace. James is the non-compensated Executive Director of Teachers for Tomorrow
James maintains homes in both Seattle, Washington in Bangkok, Thailand.
Contact James at James@teachersfortomorrow.org
Our Team
The team and advisory group members consist of volunteers who have contributed their own time and other resources to make these programs possible, as well as rolling staff members who provide their expertise and assistance depending on the project activities and local needs.
Sinoun Try: Special Advisor
Kimsan Vat: Special Advisor
Bosa Seng: Advisor & Khmer Community Liason
Erik Janse van Rensburg: Special Advisor
Bualoi Reinnoldt: Inspirational Advisor
The Board & Advisory Group

James Clark

Madeline Bennett
Board Member
& Secretary

Natasha Vine
Special thanks are also given here to Mr. Danny Spitler, Founder and Executive Director of the Spitler School Foundation for his advice and support, and William Black
Student Activities
Through the years several projects have been completed by a number of university students from the USA on study tours to Southeast Asia on the topics of globalization and corporate social responsibility.

Our Donors
In the past years, we have been generously supported by individuals who understand the work that we do. We can’t thank you enough that you help us make a difference.
Special Recognition to:
The Johns Family
The Blank Family
W. Black
L. Groff
G. DeVas