With poverty comes the lack of knowledge in health, sanitary, and life planning,
which further hinders their chance of a better future.
Our training program provides young people with the health, intellectual, personal, and vocational skills
that enable them to have a fundamentally healthy living and better quality of life.
More About the Life Skills Training
We build, train, and fund organic vegetable garden micro-business for families in Siam Reap.
The program provides additional income and nutritional supplements
for families from one of Cambodia’s poorest regions.
More About the Village to Table Project
Teachers for Tomorrow helps strengthen the educational capacity
of rural Cambodia through language and vocational training as well as scholarship programs
for high school, an educational level, which less than half of the population can complete.
This program provides young people with the basic knowledge that enables them to have a better life in areas such as reproductive health, safety, and vocational skills. In 2024 we trained 60 adolescent women
Teachers for Tomorrow helps communities in both Thailand and Cambodia through financial support of NGOs involved with the welfare of stray cats and other small animals by helping pay adoption and vet services
We support various types small business start-ups through micro grants in rural areas near Siem Reap. Our 2024 program helped launch an organic mushroom business and a private motorcycle business. We hope to launch ten new programs in 2025
Teachers for Tomorrow is a U.S.-based registered nonprofit 501(c)3 non governmental organization (NGO) that aims to help alleviate poverty and increase the quality of life for rural communities in Cambodia through various education and village support programs.
For almost a decade, we have supported youth their families in rural Siem Reap, Cambodia, to overcome barriers and live a better life for themselves, their families, and the communities they live
According to UNESCO, only around half of the Cambodian people have a chance to enter high school, and even fewer have the chance to finish their secondary education.
Around 4.5 million people remain near-poor, vulnerable to falling back into poverty while 13.5 percent still lives under the poverty line. Education and basic knowledge of health and vocational skills remain one of the main factors that hinder Cambodia’s chance to alleviate poverty.
Unless these problems are addressed, Cambodia’s economic growth in key industries will remain below that of the rest of Asia and the world, job opportunities will remain scarce, and young people will continue to lack the necessary skills to break the cycle of poverty.
To improve the quality of life for the Cambodian people in a sustainable way, Teachers for Tomorrow developed these on-going projects from studies of identified key factors that stop young people from continuing their education or attaining a better quality of life.
Over the years, we adapted the activities and details of our projects to suit the findings and feedback we received from the communities.
Find the updates, as well as inspiring stories from our communities. See what we developed recently and read insights and views from our project leaders, field staff, and volunteers.
Year after year, the students of global business from a U.S. university have visited the Teachers for Tomorrow project and helped improve the lives of families outside the Siem Reap city area by helping build gardens and provide livelihood support to the villagers as part of their university project. Social Responsibility – An Important Role: […]
Congratulations to the Class of 2019! On September 8, 2019, we celebrated the completion of the life skills training course
Thanks to all of you who have supported the new Teachers for Tomorrow organic garden micro-business project in Siem Reap,
In the recent years, Teachers for Tomorrow responded to educational development challenges by supporting scholarships for teenagers in crucial areas.
You can help change lives in the rural villages by supporting families to build an organic vegetable garden, sponsoring a life skills training course, providing English classes, or simply making a donation to our general contribution fund.
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